Meet By Adushka's Chief Story Teller - Tsitaliya
Tsitaliya Mircheva-Petrova is a fashion journalist, who started her career back in her home country Bulgaria. She's written countless articles for fashion magazines, made reportages for TV and Radio and today is a freelance writer and content manager in fashion and lifestyle brands.
Beside working for others, Tsitaliya started her own media attracting a community of fashionable mothers proudly calling themselves: "Mums in Heels". The intention behind her blog and YouTube channel is to encourage women to be independent thinkers, to give them the power back to take informed decisions in order to set and live by their own rules, striving to be their best version.
Her media celebrates female wisdom, charisma and leadership and Tsitaliya as she likes to say "strives to to leave their own footprint and change the world one heel at the time".
One year ago, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, By Adushka founder Karin Kämpf invited Tsitaliya for tea and they seem to share a lot of common ideas and values. Today Tsitaliya is working as By Adushka chief story teller and content editor and of course she is one of our style ambassadors.