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Full Moon in Aries

Full Moon in Aries

What lights you up?

By Inés Kelly


Every Full Moon, we see two opposing astrological signs highlight the high and low vibrations of both entities. This challenging aspect creates for tension so that awareness and consciousness is ready to grow, transform and evolve. 

This Full Moon, on twe are in the fiery sign of Aries, while the Sun is in harmonious Libra.


Aries rules over the first house of the Self. She is here to embody her mission in life and bring her passion to the world around her. Libra rules over the seventh house of relationships. She is here to embody what balance and harmonious relationships are and to bring justice and fairness for all. 

Everyone has a dharma, in other words a purpose in life. It says who we are, and why you are here. Aries is here to remind us of our purpose.




You are here to remember who you innately are. Through the lessons in life, you experience your karma, that will manifest into your dharma. Make a practice out of giving meaning to your life now. Tune into your heart this Full Moon and ignite your fire within. Know you are here for a reason. 

Something that isn't discussed often I believe is that our purpose doesn't always just fall into our lap. It might feel daunting for some. As if you are waiting for a prophecy to be received from up above. That we should somehow be born knowing what we are here to do. For some of us maybe this is the case. For the most of us, it is a journey of self-discovery  and of embarking in the depth of our inner abyss.


Aries is here to share her mission, to make herself a priority. Where as Libra is all about relationships, and maintaining balance. On the outside they appear to be different however at the core, they complement each other. Aries asks us for a healthy dose of selfishness to take our own independent path, whereas Libra wants to share and merge with others.


Our passion is a core essence of who we innately are, but what does it even mean if we do not share it with the world around us? 

For some of us, it takes remembering, coming back to reconnect with our core essence. First learning life lessons, the karma we were meant to experience, before entering into our dharma. As both are so closely linked without us even realizing it sometimes. 




When we are born, we have a mission to do on this earth, either big or small. Yet, we forget about it when we come into this physical manifestation. Make it a practice to give meaning to the things you do in your life. Even if you are not sure of what your purpose is. Life is sometimes about remembering who we truly are and shedding those layers of conditionings. This in addition will support us on our journey of remembering our power. 

In this particular Full Moon, we are seeing interesting aspects that will help support this deep release. Pluto known to bring us karmic lessons is squaring the moon. Past resentments may surface this Full Moon. How can we lean into the forgiveness and allow the anger we feel to fuel us to create and not destroy? 

We also have Mars in Libra opposing the Moon in Aries. Normally Mars is the ruling planet of Aries known for action, drive and fighting the good fight. However with Mars in Libra, this can create for more passive-aggressiveness and for hasty action before thinking. Where can we sit with the emotions that are surfacing and respond instead of being reactive? 




Shamanic Moon Ritual 

Take 4 red candles placing them in a circle each representing one of the 4 directions and elements. Red for passion, drive, willpower and love for what we do. Light the candles calling in your helping spirit guides, ancestors, angels, whoever you call upon for guidance to be with you in these moments of remembrance. Upon lighting the candles call upon a desire of igniting your inner fire and passion. Make sure you have a burning pot for later. Otherwise you can do the burning release ritual outdoors. 

Take your journal out and journal out the questions below. Once you have become clear of what you are ready to shift and release this Full Moon, take that list and burn it. Watch the flames and notice: how quickly or slowly does it burn? In which direction does the smoke go? All indicators of you this manifest in your life. 


Journaling prompts:

♈︎ What lessons came through for you since the New Moon? 

♈︎ How can you give meaning to the things you do in life? 

♈︎ What is your deepest calling?

♈︎ What lights you up? 

♈︎ Are you fighting your Soul’s calling? 

♈︎ What limiting beliefs are you ready to shed this Full Moon? 








About Inés Kelly

Inés Kelly is a healer, moon astrologer and writer. She creates sacred spaces for women to heal through her 1:1 sessions and moon ceremonies. Lover of all things cycles: astrological, menstrual, lunar, seasonal. Ines started her journey with Astrology when she was 18 years old and the Moon became her daily muse during her second pregnancy. She became interested in the connection between women and their cycle with the Moon and eventually build a tribe of women, sitting together in ceremonies, sharing and learning how to live in alignment with their cycles, the moon and how to heal through ancient shamanic journeys. 


Ines deep desire for all women is to help them return back to a more cyclical way, to ebb and flow with life and nature, without trying to control results. She is devoted to igniting in women that inner sense of deep trust for life, their intuition and gifts. You can find and join Ines Moon Ceremonies at and on Instagram.

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