The Full Moon brings in moments of crisis, breakthrough and even breakdowns. It consists of two opposing astrological signs that when they stand across from each other we have two options:
One: We use the energy in a way to allow our consciousness to be cracked open.
Two: We allow the energy to overwhelm us and we embody the lower vibrations of these two signs.
Every Full Moon we can ask ourselves the same question: Am I using the current energies in a way that is serving me or not? As with the ushering of these lunar energies comes a potential lesson. The question is - how do we go about this lesson?
The Full Moon
The Full Moon, the moon phase for abundance, celebration and inner healing. To name a few of the energies that are connected to one of the most potent lunar phases. Known as the peak of the cycle - an energy you feel one way or the other.
During the peak of energy is when the breakthroughs, revelations and realizations come through - when we realize what we have been working on or how we have been living is no longer in alignment. We let go to create space for the new. This is the Full Moon energy at its most enlightened.
Yet there is always another side to the coin - the one of overwhelm, tension, grief and frustration. At times we need to grieve past versions of ourselves in order to let go and step into our fullest expression and power.
Whatever is your reality, this Full Moon, let it exist, observe it, un-attach from a specific outcome or desire. This is what is needed to be felt for the next phase to come.
Full Moon in Gemini
On Sunday, 8 December 2022, we have a Full Moon in Gemini standing in opposition to the sun in Sagittarius. This constellation creates for inner turbulence to raise for the possibility of later achieving true inner peace and resilience. This is sometimes a lesson that has to be repeated. Although polar-opposites, these two signs probably have the most in common out of the other astrological pairs.
After the New Moon in Sagittarius, we now have two weeks later the energies of its counterpart, Gemini, come into the atmosphere. Gemini is an air sign that is interested in communication, understanding and information. Where Gemini is great at noticing the details in things, Sagittarius is about the broader picture. Together they create an interesting dynamic that has us reaching not only for the facts, but trusting the Universe at large.
On a Full Moon in Gemini, we might feel a flash of inspiration come through us, we might feel like we have received a mental breakthrough in some way, an epiphany of some sort. Gemini tends to be open minded, keeping its mind open until it has all the facts and perspectives before it makes a decision and even then it is not 100% in stone.
Gemini, the twins
Gemini, known as the symbol of the twins, is ruled by the planet Mercury of communication, technology and short distance traveling. On a Full Moon in Gemini, you might find yourself oversharing, speaking too much or being outspoken. It triggers the desire of communication and gives us the opportunity to look within about how we are communicating with the people around us.
Are we sharing from our core? Speaking our truth? Or are we remaining on the surface level out of fear to be seen?
Communication is closely linked to manifestation. The more we are in alignment with our authentic self and voice, the more we can align with the manifestations we desire to see take place in life.

On the other side, we also have the possibility to work with the energies of Sagittarius, the one of the wanderer, student of life, educator and natural teacher and philosopher. It strives for meaning and purpose in life. The low side being the one of self-righteousness, the need to be right, and extremism in our beliefs.
How are we using the current opposing energies of Gemini and Sagittarius in life? This Full Moon we look within, and ask: am I embodying the high vibration of said signs or the lower one?
Shamanic Moon Ritual
I love to work with the elements, if you haven’t noticed by now. They are the foundation I like to build any ritual around. I ask myself what energy am I currently lacking in my life or desire to have more of? And then I work according to a specific element to remedy that.
On a Full Moon in an air sign, such as Gemini, I like to invite the element of air which represents our connection to the divine and to a higher consciousness into my sacred space, energy and life. Either by creating a moon altar with symbolism of air such as images of birds (I often choose doves for commitment or eagles for a higher perspective) or I adorn my altar with feathers.
The easiest way to connect with the element of air is by calming your mind and nervous system through deep inhalations and exhalations. Breathe is available to us any moment of the day, absolutely for free but not to be taken for granted.
Breathing in and out, quieting your mind, calming your body and letting go of tension when your mind tends to be overactive and swirls into over analyzing your entire existence under a Full Moon. Connect with your breath through any simple breathing techniques.
Reflection Questions
After you settle your mind, tune into your inner world, explore and see what spontaneously comes out like a Moon in Gemini would have it.
✧ What am I leaving behind me on the last Full Moon of the year?
✧ What manifestations have come through for me this year?
✧ How have I been using my voice this year? Where can I voice myself more?
✧ What lessons around my purpose have been coming up for me since the New Moon in Sagittarius? Or lessons in general?
Thank you for reading. May these final weeks of this year serve for you a safe space to reflect, go within and become clear of what you desire to create in the new year. I have two ways for you to do so:
✧ Join the Winter Solstice Ceremony including an introduction to the ancient practice of smudging:
✧ Join the journey through the 12 Sacred Nights between 24 December and 6 January to close ties, receive clarity and prepare energetically for 2023:
Inés Kelly - Astrologer and Space Holder
Lover of all things cycles: moon, menstrual, astrology, ritual.
Anything cyclical that allows ourselves to flow at our own pace and time is medicine to me. This is why I created an online space for women to gather, dance, flow, be with the moon, one another and ourselves.
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