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New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries

The New Moon energy - one of renewal, profound connection and introspection. One cycle came to an end, another is now beginning and being rebirthed. The lowest point in energy in all terms.

Now is the time to nourish the body, mind and Soul on all levels. Connect with your intuition and what your body craves to do. Gentle movement, stretching, intuitive journaling - ways to honor this subtle energy of the New Moon and initiate our energies into a new lunar cycle.



New Moon in Aries 


On Friday, the 1st of April 2022 at 08:24 the New Moon will be at 11° degrees in the sign of Aries. 

Initiating the astrological year of a journey that lasts for 12 sun seasons throughout the zodiac calendar as well as the renewed energies of Spring. From our winter cave, we emerge from hibernation. Energies are rising, nature is being rebirthed and everything we envisioned during Pisces season is now being taken action upon. Aries is here to initiate our energies in a way that we feel the urge, the impulse to take charge with so much enthusiasm and passion along with it.


Aries, a fire sign, is the warrior, the Amazon, the leader and initiator. Ruled by Mars, Aries governs the head making it a head-strong and opinionated sign.


Where we went deeply inwards into a dream-like state during Pisces season, we are now feeling the desire to go outwards, be loud and show ourselves. Now is the time to take action, connect with our willpower and drive. Physical activities will be revisited now during Aries season when we are feeling that drive come forth. The desire to move is more present during this time. That energy needs to circulate and come out!







This New Moon we will have the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron all meet in the sign of Aries in the 12th house of self-undoing, the hidden world, the subconscious mind and dreams. Our subconscious mind is already more activated during the Waning Moon and New Moon phase. With so many planets meeting under the 12th house, the potential for self-undoing, healing, for the hidden to be revealed can be more present than usual. It could also be that it is not always apparent what is behind the curtains, where the triggers are stemming from and why we are feeling the way we are. It might take a bit more digging deeper into oneself.

 One way to do so is through journaling. With this Aries energy there is no time to waste! All needs to be done now and fast, says the impulsive Aries energy. Pull out your journal and a pen and let’s explore your inner world. Light a candle before you begin setting the intention to connect with yourself and guides in this moment. 



May this New Moon be one of empowerment, excitement for what lays ahead and everything your heart desires to now share with the world!



Inés Kelly




About Inés Kelly

Inés Kelly is a healer, moon astrologer and writer. She creates sacred spaces for women to heal through her 1:1 sessions and moon ceremonies. Lover of all things cycles: astrological, menstrual, lunar, seasonal. Ines started her journey with Astrology when she was 18 years old and the Moon became her daily muse during her second pregnancy. She became interested in the connection between women and their cycle with the Moon and eventually build a tribe of women, sitting together in ceremonies, sharing and learning how to live in alignment with their cycles, the moon and how to heal through ancient shamanic journeys. 

Ines deep desire for all women is to help them return back to a more cyclical way, to ebb and flow with life and nature, without trying to control results. She is devoted to igniting in women that inner sense of deep trust for life, their intuition and gifts. You can find and join Ines Moon Ceremonies at and on Instagram.

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