Saffron & Rose
Saffron & Rose is a fresh look at ethnics and folk crafts in a modern fashion perspective. The brand's ethnic designs are guides to other cultures, magical worlds and travel tales and these unique garments complement individuality. It's a mix of styles and ideas, whose philosophy is inspired by the eclecticism that characterized the 70s - the hippie philosophy and its outrageous outfits are in fact one of the designer's main inspirations. Eclecticism is rebellious and creative, and it's incredible how well it fits with Saffron & Rose. What makes this brand unique is the quality of clothes. 100% made in Uzbekistan, they are designed one by one by the designer and then made by a single family who have an ancient tradition of working with organic Adras cotton.
But it’s not all about fashion and trends, it’s about freedom of choice and self-expression, imagination, respect for the planet and its resources, love for the world and all its inhabitants, love for yourself and passion for what you do. It’s about dreams born in restless hearts.
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